
Here are some free downloadable resources I hope you will enjoy.

Self-Study Courses to Help Grow Your Faith

Are you looking for ways to grow in your faith, but you are just not sure where to begin?  Here are a few self-study courses to help you get started. Just click on the course title in bold to check it out!

Making Time for GodPersonal Devotions is an introduction to developing a pattern for personal daily devotions.

Connecting with GodPersonal Prayer is an introduction to personal prayer.

Jesus Loves You: God’s Plan for Your Salvation is a summary of how to invite Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.

Experiencing God’s Love provides tips for how to grow into new life in Christ.`

Praying Together offers tips for how to improve your prayer life.

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts provides a simple self-assessment to help you determine how you are gifted to serve God in the world.

Preparation for Lay Pastoral Care Giving is a short course on visiting friends in the hospital or care center.

Devotional Tools